Ernst Klett Aktiengesellschaft

Rotebühlstraße 77
70178 Stuttgart, Germany
Tel.: +49 (0) 711 66720
E-mail: info (at)

Stuttgart District Court, HRB 17521
VAT ID number: DE 811122283

Board members authorised for representation:
Christian Döttinger
Philipp Haußmann (Board Chairman)
Lothar Kleiner
Dr. David Klett

Supervisory board chairman:
Dr. h. c. Michael Klett

Responsible for content according to § 18 Paragraph 2 MStV:
Philipp Haußmann (Spokesperson of the Management Board)
Rotebühlstraße 77
70178 Stuttgart

Information for consumers regarding alternative means of dispute resolution 
The European Commission maintains a platform that provides information on resolving disputes online at

Please note that our company will not participate in dispute resolution proceedings held before a consumer arbitration body within the meaning of Germany's laws regarding the resolution of consumer disputes (VSBG).

If you have any questions or comments, please use our contact form.