“The Klett Group took another step forward on its way to becoming an all-encompassing educational company”, sums up Philipp Haußmann, Management Board Spokesman, Ernst Klett AG, positively.
Educational publishers at home and abroad
The Group’s educational publishers were able to perform well in the market and gain additional market share despite the uncertainties in the German education policy. Business development is positive in German-speaking countries and beyond. With a steadily growing number of digital programmes for students and teachers, the educational publishers are playing an active role in the increasing digitalisation of the industry at home and abroad.
The Klett Group is closely monitoring the current debate on copyright law, with a particular focus on the participation of publishers in statutory royalty claims and the introduction of educational and scientific barriers. “Responsible rules are needed because the copyright debate is also a quality debate”, confirms Philipp Haußmann. Klett sees the approach to a digital future to include a statutory basis for publishing rights. The group is strongly committed to such publishing rights in order to safeguard its economic, organisational and technical services in the long term.
Face-to-face and distance learning facilities
While the demand for continued education through Klett’s distance learning schools remains constant, the higher education market continues to develop dynamically. The educational company was able to strengthen and expand its market position with the acquisition of the Cologne Business School (CBS) and European University of Applied Sciences (EUFH) in January 2016.
Interest in the Klett Group’s private schools and day-care centres continues unabated and is enjoying another year with highly dynamic growth. “The quality of our facilities in terms of the educational success of each individual child is the focus of our business. More and more parents appreciate this”, explains Philipp Haußmann.
Klett is looking ahead with confidence and optimism after a generally good and successful year with moderate growth in market volumes.
About the Klett Group
The Klett Group is one of Europe’s leading education-dedicated enterprises, with 67 companies at 33 sites in 15 countries. The Group’s portfolio encompasses everything from traditional textbooks to modern interactive learning aids; from professional literature to the classics. Moreover, the Klett Group has established itself as the leading private provider of educational and continued education services. The Group companies employ a workforce of 3,605 people and generated a turnover of € 537.3 million in 2016.